Saturday, May 7, 2011

Sample Framework for community-based psychosocial support participatory research model

Sample Framework for community-based psychosocial support participatory research  model
Joseph O. Prewitt Diaz, PhD

Resulting in
Full participation of community in identifying psychosocial issues of greatest importance.
Increased motivation to participate in the process.
Issues identified based on actual epidemiologic data and funding priorities.

Psychosocial concern(s) identified.
Community representatives involved with program design and proposal submission.
Increased acceptability of psychosocial  approach, include funds for community

Program designed and funding sought

Design based entirely on expressed community needs and feasibility; funding requested primarily for project activities.

Community representatives provide guidance regarding recruitment and retention strategies of local volunteer and paid staff.

Enhanced recruitment and retention.
Participants, volunteer and paid staff recruited and retention systems implemented

Approaches to recruitment and retention based on scientific issues and "best guesses" regarding reaching community members and keeping them involved in the psychosocial support project.

Assessment instruments developed or adapted with community input and tested in similar population
Potentially sensitive issues handled better and increased reliability and validity of measures

Assessment instruments designed and data collected

Assessment instruments developed, adopted/adapted from other psychosocial programs.
Community members take on a major role in PS intervention development.

Assures greater cultural and social relevance to the population served, increasing the likelihood of producing positive change.

Intervention designed and implemented

Program staff design intervention based on literature and theory.

Community members assist program personnel with collection, interpretation, dissemination and translation of findings.

Assures greater sensitivity to cultural and social norms and climate and potential group harm and enhances potential for translation of findings into best practices.

Data analyzed and interpreted, findings disseminated and translated

Program personnel report findings to community members, the donor, and other stakeholders. 

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